Join Rapid at NPE 2024

We are looking forward to the opportunity to REconnect in person at the upcoming NPE 2024 show May 6-10 in Orlando, Florida. Join us at Booth W1961 as we showcase our innovative contributions to the plastics industry. View our extensive granulator and shredder range of models and preview the latest features that keep your production process efficient and profitable.

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Sneak Peek of our Showcase at the Upcoming NPE Show!

Raptor DUO (3)

Raptor DUO

ONE-step solution. Fully integrated granulator into the Raptor chassis. Based on the bespoken Rapid 400 series.

Rapid Connect (3)

Rapid Connect

Get control of your production. Design your own dashboard and monitor your equipment. Prevent production stop with IRL status notifications.

How to find us!

NPE 2024 Visit Us At Booth W1961
NPE 2024 Map

Join us at Booth W1961!

(Production Renderings) Rapid Granulator 50X50 Rev1[92] Sida 02